Our Team believes strongly in giving back and supporting the Statesboro community and non-profit organizations that work to make our community the special place we call home. We help support a large number of community based organizations including:​
7th Mile Farm & Joseph's Home
Fostering Families Bulloch
Mighty Men Ministries
Statesboro Rotary
Up With People
Statesboro Police Department
Statesboro YMCA
Habitat For Humanity
Georgia K9 Retirement Foundation
Statesboro High School
The Averitt Center For The Arts
Georgia Southern University
Ogeechee Technical College
Statesboro Food Bank
Statesboro First United Methodist Church
Relay for Life
Open Hearts Community Mission Homeless Shelter
...and many others.
Each agent at Statesboro Properties helps support the mission of giving back and we have donated tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of volunteer time back into the Statesboro community just in recent years alone and will continue to do so.